City Tours

City Tours

Swakopmund, situated on the western coast of Namibia, is a charming coastal town known for its unique blend of German colonial architecture, stunning landscapes, and adventurous activities. Swakopmund city tours offer visitors a glimpse into the town's rich history, diverse culture, and the natural beauty that surrounds it. The town was founded in 1892 during the German colonial era and served as a major harbor for the German South-West Africa colony. Today, remnants of this colonial influence can be seen in the well-preserved architecture, such as the iconic lighthouse, the Swakopmund Railway Station, and various historic buildings that line the streets. Swakopmund's coastal location along the cold Benguela Current contributes to its distinctive climate, characterized by cool temperatures and frequent fog. Despite this, the town has become a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors with its unique charm and a wide range of activities. City tours in Swakopmund often include visits to historical landmarks, such as the Woermann House, the Swakopmund Museum, and the Hohenzollernhaus. These sites offer insights into the town's colonial past, architecture, and the early settlement period. Beyond the historical aspects, Swakopmund city tours also showcase the town's vibrant arts and crafts scene, where visitors can explore local markets and galleries featuring the work of Namibian artists. The tours may also include a stroll along the picturesque promenade, providing breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean.

Half-day City Tours

3-4 Hours 

  • Adults : N$650
    Kids 6 to 12 : N$250


  • City Tours